
"I'll Try Anything Once" is available on Amazon.

 YIPPEE!!! My new book, "I'll Try Anything Once" is available on Amazon. If you buy a copy, you will not only be supporting me, a Calgarian writer, but also my grand daughter who is the artist who designed the cover. I am so impressed with her skill, and the beauty of her artwork. Pick up your copy here , or at the Canadian site here .  

Things My Dog Taught Me About Vegan Dogs

  Vegan Dogs I have a "doggy daughter" named Bear. When she was younger, she showed me the magic all around me, from escaping balls to elevators. Now that she is older, I find she is teaching me more profound lessons. One day I was watching YouTube stuff, when this woman and her dog appeared on the screen. She was defending the proposition that her dog was undeniably "vegan". Not only that, her dog was "vegan by choice". Her proof. The canine ate all the vegetables put in front of it. Having become tired of comments from naysayers, she put 2 bowls before her pet. One full of veggies, one full of raw meat. While holding the animal she proclaimed that her darling fur baby would not even go near the flesh bowl.  After a miss start, she let the dog go, and much to her horror, it gulped hungrily at the bowl of meat. The comment section of her post were filled with words questioning her perception of reality, or her lack of understanding of basic carnivore behav...

Things My Dog Taught Me About Easter

  Easter I have a "doggy daughter" named Bear. When she was younger, she showed me the magic all around me, from balls to elevators. Now that she is older, I find she is teaching me more profound lessons. I was walking Bear the other day, and she caught sight of a bunny. Well she took off after the rodent as it blindly scampered away. One time Bear ran so fast that she came back with a bit of rabbit tail in her mouth. This time, she stopped where the bunny had been, and snuffed about. Her munching jaws told me she had found something she thought was edible. I am sure it was bunny poop. After I recovered from my revulsion, I got to thinking about what had happened. My little girl went out to her back yard where a bunny had been. She hunted about for a "chocolate" looking "treat" left by the bunny. Sound familiar? Like the Easter bunny familiar. I've heard the explanations of "Ishtar" and symbols of fertility, but knowing that an advanced group...

How Old Is Your Puppy

While walking my dog (Bear) today, we came across a husky we had not met before.  In my little neighbourhood I know every puppy (not so much their owners). Bear crept towards the animal. After a few sniffs, Bear wagged her tail,  hunkered down, ready for the other dog chase her. I commented that my wife and I had been taking Bear to the dog park since she was 8 weeks old, and that she loves being chased. Then I asked what I always ask, “How old is your puppy?” Everyone answers, but some give me more. “Oh, he/she is 8 (or older) years old.” They reply while giving me a look which says, “I have a full-grown dog.” Politely, I’d like to disagree. I think they have an old puppy. I base this on a few things I’ve observed. I had a friend who had a dog. This dog stayed outside most of the time, even while the people slept. On the odd occasions when the dog was allowed in the house, my friend would have problems with the dog’s behaviour towards him and his children. “Get rid of the dog...

Dada Always Magic 6

          Always           Eternal           Forever           Sometimes           Never                     Magic           Wonder           Mystery           Silliness           Boredom         When you see a            flower           kitten           fire           puddle           puppy                     grow           shrink           laugh     ...

Dada Always Magic 5

Never Boredom When you see a puppy cry, You know there's boredom in the tree. There's boredom at the eternity of life, And there's boredom when life's free. There's boredom in a universal cloud's ears, When he finds that handsome 'moose'. But I want you to remember, never remember, there's never boredom. There's boredom in a newborn cloud's coo, Or when he says his every word. There's boredom in the power of clouds, Once established only by the birds. There's boredom in a true mirror, That makes your ears go drum. But remember, never remember, never believe in boredom. There's boredom in a climber's smile, And in that universal cloud's ears. There's boredom in the master comic, When he really feels his gears. I've never seen a mirror this universal and, dumb. But remember, never remember, never boredom. Press Control P to print this page or  Return  to the main page.

Dada Always Magic 4

Sometimes Silliness When you see a puddle burn, You know there's silliness in the pot. There's silliness at the termination of life, And there's silliness when life's forgot. There's silliness in a stinky frog's toes, When he finds that beautiful 'love'. But I want you to remember, sometimes remember, there's sometimes silliness. There's silliness in a newborn frog's stutter, Or when he says his fourth word. There's silliness in the power of floating, Once dropped only by the birds. There's silliness in a true attraction, That makes your toes go confess. But remember, sometimes remember, sometimes believe in silliness. There's silliness in a teacher's smile, And in that stinky frog's toes. There's silliness in the master performer, When he really feels his shows. I've never seen a attraction this stinky and, progress. But remember, sometimes remember, sometimes silliness. Press Control P to print this page or  Retu...