
Showing posts from August, 2018


FUSTRATION Hi.    I decided to investigate moving this blog to WordPress. I'm setting up the new page with the assistance of a YouTube step by step video.    The format for WordPress in the video is different than the format I'm looking at, so I am wasting time figuring out which section he is talking about. All the while imI thinking I should be editing "I'll Try Anything Once", or wishing he would get to something relevant.    Oh well, back at it.

Sounds of a 'Cricket' 4

Today I picked up 2 fantastic books by Kim Staflund. How to Publish a Book in Canada...and Sell Enough Copies to Make a Profit!, and How to Publish a Bestselling Book...and Sell it WORLDWIDE Based on Value, Not Price!    You can get your copy to here.

Sounds of a 'Cricket' 3

Just came back from a 'working' camping trip with 2 of my favourite artists. I read four of my short stories to them and found some parts that need a minor re-write.

Sounds of a 'Cricket' 2

Love, joy, confusion, adventure, depression, isolation. These are the sounds of a cricket. Come find his wonder in life with Always Magic. Feel his longing with If You Leave My Pond. Explore his confusion in relationships with The Fine Art of Taming Kittens. View history with I Remember and Red Devil/White Devil. Each chapter of Sounds of a 'Cricket’ is divided by age so you can follow his styles through the years from 15 to 22. Whatever your age, I am sure you can relate to the moods and feelings reflected in these pages.

Sounds of a 'Cricket' 1

   I am working in both Scribus and Word to make my book look professional.    My book of poems is divided by age. I think it would be cool to add pictures of me at that age. At 15  At 16  At 17  At 18


This is a test of the mobile blogging app. Bear is looking for more content.